Monday, August 31, 2009

Fremont vs. Roy

So on Friday Aly and I went to the football game and we were all dressed up like in the picture! So we got there and I was so mad there was not a student section so... We started one! It was awesome! But the game did not end so well for the royals the end score was 27-7.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Work & Stuff

So today while I was working I swear there was a bubble around the aquatic center because those nasty clouds formed like a perfect circle around it where the sun shone through. And I got to see Jeffery today he has been camping for like the last forever!

Movie Night

So pretty much I found out that Aly is just an amazingly awesome cook! She made mac and cheese the other day and I laughed so hard making fun of her the whole time for the stupidest things like not waiting to put the noodles in the pot till after the water boils but I was just giving her a hard time it turned out delicious :) haha while we were making the mac and cheese though we found that the milk was old it was the grossest looking thing ever it had things floating in it! So her parents went and bought some new milk. After we finished making the mac and cheese guess what we watched!.................. THE GRINCH! Aly has the entire movie memorized no joke!She said every line! It was the funniest thing ever but I guess I laughed a little hard and talked a little much apparently because I woke up this morning and had no voice it was pretty bad!But I had a lot of fun and can't wait to hang out again!